To preside over meetings of the AB and the EB.
To coordinate relations with the administration at the University of Pittsburgh and with organizations external to the University of Pittsburgh.
To convey the recommendations and decisions of the AB to the administration at the University of Pittsburgh and to organizations external to the University of Pittsburgh.
Attend and report on (when permitted by committee policy) meetings of the Board of Trustees Student Affairs Committee, the University Senate-Assembly Board, and the University Council for Graduate Studies if possible.
To perform such other duties as are normally required of the Office of President and as the AB may determine.
To report their actions to the Assembly at each meeting of the AB.
To hold open office hours in the GPSG office for a minimum of 1 hour per week.
To meet with students by appointment when requested at a mutually convenient time during regular university hours.
To provide agenda items and other information for the Assembly Board meetings to the Executive Administrator a minimum of 10 calendar days before each AB meeting.
To chair (or appoint a chair) the External Affairs Committee.
To cast tie-breaking votes in both AB and EB proceedings.
To ensure at the end of the position’s term that all technicalities of the post are passed onto the next President.