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What is a GPSG Travel Grant?

The GPSG Travel Grant program was established to provide financial assistance and recognition to graduate and professional students who have participated in academic conferences.


Students may apply for a GPSG Travel Grant during the first ten days of the month following their conference. *

Students are eligible for one GPSG Travel Grant per fiscal year (July 1 – June 30), based on the date of their conference. All applications must be submitted to GPSG and are approved by the Finance Committee. Funds for each cycle are distributed based on a demonstrated need for the travel grant and on the merit of the presentation.

Note: Students must have presented at the conference. Applications will not be accepted for students who only attended. Applicants must currently be enrolled as a graduate or professional student at the University of Pittsburgh.

Only travel to conferences for a student organization’s national conference or an academic conference are eligible for grants. No travel grants will be awarded if the trip is required for a course or for professional development.

An applicant attending an event in Allegheny County is eligible only to receive reimbursement for registration.

Step 1: Submit Application to GPSG

  1. After you attend your conference, please completely fill out this form:

  2. Supplemental Documentation Needed for Application:

    • Proof of Participation

      • Students must submit proof that their work has been accepted at the conference and that they have registered. This document must demonstrate that the conference was academic or professional in nature. It must also demonstrate that the student presented at the conference.

    • Advisor Letter

      • Please provide a letter from your advisor, including the below information. This letter should be sent as a Word/PDF document on official Pitt letterhead or emailed by your advisor directly to

        • Their acknowledgement for the GPSG travel award application

        • That they have reviewed the application

        • The student’s need for this travel award

    • Documentation of Expenses

      • Present receipts for the following if you are claiming them:

        • Registration 

        • Lodging 

        • Travel:

          • Flight (no luggage fees), bus, train, or taxi receipts

            • Travel is only reimbursed for the main travel. For example, the roundtrip flight to the conference city and the taxi to and from the airport. Any other travel ​to other locations such as restaurants, extra activities, etc. will not be approved.

          • Personal Car

            • Documentation should include estimated mileage between source and destination (such as from MapQuest or Google Maps). If you are renting a car, submit your receipt.


Email your GPSG Travel Grant application and supplemental documentation to The application must be completed and submitted during the first ten days of the month following your conference. Incomplete applications will not be accepted. 

Students will be notified once their GPSG Travel Grant application has been received and is considered complete.

After the application window closes, the Finance Committee will review all applications, and the VP of Finance will notify students on the status of their award.

If a student is awarded a GPSG Travel Grant, please proceed to “Step 2”.


Step 2: Submit a Travel & Business Expense Form

  1. Complete the online Reimbursement Form on the SORC website: Online Reimbursement Form

    • Do NOT turn the Online Reimbursement form with your travel grant application. Turn this form in AFTER you are informed you have been awarded a GPSG Travel Grant.

  2. With the form, include copy of the receipts.

  3. With the form, make sure to submit a copy of your award letter from the VP of Finance.

  4. Submit all reimbursement paperwork within 30 days of notification of your award​

Attention A&S GSO recipients:  If you are also applying for A&S GSO or A&S PBC travel grants, you MUST include a copy of the GPSG Travel Grant approval e-mail with your reimbursement form submission to A&S so that they are aware you are receiving additional funding from GPSG.  Failure to do so may result in your NOT being reimbursed for GPSG approved funding.

Forms You’ll Need:

GPSG Travel Grant Application

After you attend your conference, please completely fill out this form. Save the form and email it as an attachment to:

Online Reimbursement Form 

If you are awarded a GPSG Travel Grant, fill out and submit the Online Reimbursement Form within 30 days of notification of your award. Follow the directions (see step two) for information on how to fill out this form. Remember to include a COPY OF YOUR AWARD LETTER with the form.

NOTE: Due to the competitive nature of the travel grants and limited funding, award recipients will be awarded up to $400 each month. Students are eligible to receive a travel grant once per academic year.


Complete the GPSG Travel Grant Application after attending your conference. This form must be completed and submitted during the first ten days of the month following your conference. For example, if your conference was held April 20 – April 23, you can submit your GPSG Travel Grant application during May 1 – May 10.

However, if your conference was held during the first ten days of the month, you can submit your application during the first ten days of that month or the first ten days of the following month, but NOT both. For example, if your conference was held April 1 – April 2, you can submit your GPSG Travel Grant application either during April 1 – April 10 or May 1 – May 10.

Please be advised that GPSG travel grants can only be used for lodging, transportation, and conference-specific expenses only.  There will be no reimbursement given for expenses such as food, beverages, souvenirs, Per Diem, etc.

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